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San Francisco, Calif. - August 15, 2006 - The MySQL open source database has become the database-of-choice for the new generation of highly-popular Internet companies pioneering new “Web 2.0” innovation.
Leading Web 2.0 sites such as YouTube, Flickr, Habbo Hotel, Linden Labs, CyWorld, Technorati, Facebook, FeedBurner, Feedster, Wikipedia, Digg, LiveJournal,, SimpleStar, PhotoBucket, 37signals,, Trulia, Neopets, and Zimbra have all selected MySQL to power their explosive growth - due to the database’s speed and ability to easily “scale-out” on low-cost hardware.
"Without the LAMP software stack, many Web 2.0 companies would have never got off the ground," says Tim O'Reilly, the alpha geek watcher and CEO of O’Reilly Media. LAMP is the acronym for the popular open source computing environment that comprises the Linux operating system, Apache Web server, MySQL database and Perl, Python or PHP scripting languages.