万里开源携手MySQL公司 共建MySQL中国研发中心




北京万里开源软件有限公司(以下简称"万里开源")是一家立足于中国的开源软件解决方案和技术服务提供商,致力于在中国市场推广使用开放源代码的LAMP 架构(即Linux操作系统,Apache网络服务器,MySQL数据库,Perl/Python/PHP编程语言)。万里开源是MySQL在中国唯一的认证金牌合作伙伴,拥有多位MySQL认证的专业工程师,能为中国用户提供MySQL产品和快捷的本地化支持服务。由其控股的北京拓林思软件有限公司(Turbolinux)是著名的Linux发行商,一直位居中国Linux市场领导地位。


MySQL中国建研发中心 创始人号召反专利

CNET科技资讯网8月29日北京报道(文/孙封蕾):MySQL创始人兼副总裁David Axmark今天在京表示,软件专利权只是在保护软件大公司的利益。

MySQL今天在中国宣布成立研发中心,David Axmark表示,My SQL中国研发中心的成立,可以吸引越来越多的工程师加入全球My SQL的研发队伍,提供本地的支持和服务,推动My SQL在中国的使用和发展。最后,他发出反对软件专利权的号召,他认为软件专利权不是维护软件工程师的利益,而是在保护软件大公司的利益,他不希望看到软件专利权的存在。

David Axmark告诉记者,MySQL自1995年推出自己的产品以来,一直秉承着高性能、可靠性和应用性的理念,并具有良好的兼容性,支持多种操作系统平台和计算机语言,其可插入的存储引擎设计,与传统数据库相比更是特色突出,从而获得了YAHOO、GOOGLE等跨国公司的青睐。


MySQL Wins Prestigious International Database Contest

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Germany's c't Magazine Names Open Source Database the Benchmark Winner over Oracle, DB2, PostgreSQL and Others

Munich, Germany -- August 28, 2006 -- MySQL AB, developer of the world's
most popular open source database, announced today that its internal
benchmark team has won an international contest sponsored by the renowned IT
industry magazine c´t for the fastest e-commerce database application. The
magazine's editors held the contest to evaluate database performance in
real-world business use by creating a standard online inventory system.

"The DVD shop created by MySQL is the hands-down winner of the performance
crown," the magazine summarizes. "It clearly demonstrates the capabilities
of a carefully configured MySQL/PHP application." The MySQL DVD online


[Mysql]不敌甲骨文 MySQL宣布开放引擎

在甲骨文收购MySQL使用的数据引擎之一的Innobase之后,MySQL下一步怎么走曾引起业界关注。本周三,MySQL终于作出一项重要宣布,开放其数据库接口,允许客户自行选择不同的数据存储引擎。此外,甲骨文的咄咄逼人促使 MySQL开发自己的数据存储引擎,并由此让MySQL进入了一片新天地。






  这个合作,被称之为MySQL 的LogicBlaze FUSE ,它将会为LogicBlaze的企业级服务总线(ESB)平台带来MySQL数据库,而其ESB已经可以作为Apache License 2.0开放源码下载获得了。他们的合作关系是星期二在Santa Clara 召开的MySQL User Conference 2006中宣布的,他们的合作的目标是针对架构和使用LAMP(Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Perl/Python)开发模型以及Ajax的开发者的,LogicBlaze的市场副总裁Rich Peterson这样说。

  MySQL是LAMP的数据库构件,LogicBlaze为这个群体所带来的就是FUSE,基于一个开源的 ESB——Apache ServiceMix。这个组合使得把LAMP应用程序转换为内需能够在一个SOA内运行的Web services 具有了可能性。


数据库软件5巨头仍处于领先 整体市场在扩张








Coverity公司的首席执行官塞思表示,使用Co verity公司自己的工具进行的分析在MySQL数据库软件中发现了97处缺陷,其中至少包括一个严重的安全缺陷。他指出,但是,与大多数的商业数据库软件相比,这一数字是相当小的。塞思指出,就业界平均水平而言,MySQL是极其优异的。

对于软件开发商而言,源代码分析工具正在迅速成为必不可少的工具。微软公司利用它自己的工具对其软件产品进行分析、查找和修正缺。包括 Ounce Labs和Reflective在内的其它厂商则向各大公司销售它们的分析工具,Coverity的客户就包括思科和甲骨文。


MySQL Powering Web 2.0

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San Francisco, Calif. - August 15, 2006 - The MySQL open source database has become the database-of-choice for the new generation of highly-popular Internet companies pioneering new “Web 2.0” innovation.

Leading Web 2.0 sites such as YouTube, Flickr, Habbo Hotel, Linden Labs, CyWorld, Technorati, Facebook, FeedBurner, Feedster, Wikipedia, Digg, LiveJournal,, SimpleStar, PhotoBucket, 37signals,, Trulia, Neopets, and Zimbra have all selected MySQL to power their explosive growth - due to the database’s speed and ability to easily “scale-out” on low-cost hardware.

"Without the LAMP software stack, many Web 2.0 companies would have never got off the ground," says Tim O'Reilly, the alpha geek watcher and CEO of O’Reilly Media. LAMP is the acronym for the popular open source computing environment that comprises the Linux operating system, Apache Web server, MySQL database and Perl, Python or PHP scripting languages.


MySQL and RealPlayer Certify to the Linux Standard Base

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Two of the most widely used applications on Linux will achieve application portability and be represented on the LSB Steering Committee

San Francisco, Calif. - At the LinuxWorld Conference and Expo, the Free Standards Group (FSG), a nonprofit organization dedicated to developing and promoting open source software standards, today announced that two of the most important and widely-used applications on Linux: RealPlayer and the MySQL database, are certifying to the Linux Standard Base. The result will be decreased build, porting and support efforts for the software developers and increased choice for end users. For the first time, a single RealPlayer or MySQL package will run on the many LSB-certified Linux distributions including Red Hat, Novell, Ubuntu, Red Flag and many others. Both vendors plan on making the next versions of their products LSB-compliant.


Research Firm Cites MySQL as an Open Source Leader in Two Reports

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Cupertino, Calif. - MySQL AB today announced that Forrester Research has named the company and its database software as an open source leader in two recent independent industry reports. MySQL was the only company, product or software project cited as a leader in both reports -- “The Forrester Wave: Open Source Databases, Q2 2006," Forrester Research, Inc., June 2006; and “The Forrester Wave: Open Source Projects, Q2 2006," Forrester Research, Inc., June 2006.

"This is a great acknowledgement for MySQL and open source software as a whole," said Zack Urlocker, MySQL AB's executive vice president of products. "It is a very powerful statement to have a leading analyst firm like Forrester pay attention to open source in two separate studies.”



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